Summer Glaze Workshop
with Chic Lotz
Glaze Basics for Developing Glaze Color & Surface
June 26-30, 2017
$450 + $45 for materials
(laminated glaze chart & lecture notebook)
Early Registration Special:
$400 by April 15th • $425 by May 15th
ChicLotzPottery.com • [email protected]
Got questions? Call 530-274-8185
Past attendees that want a refresher after experimenting at home ..get 1/2 off!
with Chic Lotz
Glaze Basics for Developing Glaze Color & Surface
June 26-30, 2017
$450 + $45 for materials
(laminated glaze chart & lecture notebook)
Early Registration Special:
$400 by April 15th • $425 by May 15th
ChicLotzPottery.com • [email protected]
Got questions? Call 530-274-8185
Past attendees that want a refresher after experimenting at home ..get 1/2 off!
Perform hands-on mixing and firing of simple line blends to learn how to achieve the glaze surfaces and colors you desire for sculpture or dinnerware. Learn about each ingredient and its function in the glaze. Discover how varying the ratios of 3 major glaze components affects stability, color, firing temperature, glaze fit and glaze surface.
Develop colors as well as glossy, matte and textured surfaces. Compare a variety of glazes using glaze calculation software. Alter recipes and bring ^10 glazes down to ^6. We'll fire ^6 line blends each night in an electric kiln so we can discuss the results the next day.
By the end of the week.....you'll be designing on your OWN glazes with my assistance. You'll leave the workshop organized and empowered to experiment at your own firing temperature.